Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Entrancing Twenty Five...or Six

You know on sometimes the blogger will have a "My 100" list? Well, I'm so uninteresting (or so unself-aware) that I could only come up with 25. Here they are.

1. When I hear music I choreograph dances to it in my head.
2. Child stars irritate me.
3. I'm a procrastinator.
4. I'm not a good story teller, however;
5. I'm good at reading out loud.
6. Out of my siblings, "One of these kids is not like the others." And it's me.
7. I'm kind of a restaurant snob.
8. I've never had a cavity.
9. I really really really love hot water.
10. I love breastfeeding...and the boobs that go with it! :0
11. I almost got kidnapped once.
12. The sound of the wind makes me feel hopeless.
13. I'm not funny.
14. I hate confrontation and (almost) always avoid it, except with my husband!
15. I daydream about performing in front of thousands.
16. I'm very old-fashioned, however;
17. I have a definite Rock N Roll side and I think Mick Jagger is totally sexy. (Does that count as two?)
18. I ignore expiration dates on food with reckless abandon.
19. I'm completely offended by commercials for tampons, personal lubricant, douches, and pills for E.D.
20. I've been thrown in jail!
21. I was a terrible student in jr. high and high school, however;
22. I pulled it together and was on the Dean's or President's list every semester in college.
23. Rainy weather makes me happy.
24. I love the smell of baby spit up.
25. I'm good at trivia and dumb at every thing else.

Aren't you just SO glad you read all that?


Emily said...

I am also a terrible story teller, but I am so great at reading books aloud. It's one of my favorite things to do with my kids. We can sit there for 45 minutes and read book after book. I also avoid confrontation at all costs - even with my husband. And I'm curious to know your Top 5 SLC restaurants (and just for fun, maybe your Bottom 5). I love trying new places so I might as well get recommendations from a Restaurant Snob!

Kristy said...

Thank you Em, my faithful commenter. Top 5:
1. Cucina Toscana
2. Lone Star Taqueria
3. Royal India
4. Hires Big H
5. Franck's
Bonus: For low-down, dirty rotten Mexican; La Puente

Crap, I don't know! I don't really HATE any restaurants, it's just that I'm not impressed unless they're doing something original and delicious!

Jen-ben said...

I love you... :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, have you tried Cafe Trio, kind of up there by the Tuscany and Market Street Grill? I think you'd like them.

And what happened with the kidnapping thing?

Lindsay said...

Finally! And serious, you are not so boring that you couldn't come up with another 75. The next time a song is playing will you just dance it out for me please? And did I know you almost got kidnapped? You'll have to remind me about that one.