Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are You Angry?

Have you ever been angry at your body? The last three months or so, I've been angry at mine. I was angry at it every time the button on my jeans was tight. I was angry whenever the scale stayed defiantly at the same place. I was angry when I looked at myself in a photo. I was angry at my body when I flipped through Shape magazine. I was angry when I thought about swimsuit season. And then I started thinking; "Maybe my body feels sad that I'm mad at it. Maybe I should appreciate it more. " So I did. I started thinking about all of the things that it does for me. It breathes. It patches up cuts when I'm careless with sharp objects. It makes music. It lets me take care of four babies. It fights various microscopic enemies that I know nothing about. It lets me know when something is wrong.

It helps create life.

So I've decided to look at and treat my body with kindness. When I hang out with my friends, I don't focus on all the things that they lack...I appreciate all the wonderful things that they are! My body is my friend. It does so much for me. I'll appreciate more of the good things about it. When a friend is hurting, I try to give her the support that she needs, not sabotage her with thoughts or words that hurt her worse! In the same way, I'll give my body the things (good nutritious food, exercise) that it needs to serve me better. Do I wish I looked like a Shape model? Sure. But I've decided to focus more on good health so that I can be a strength to my family, and instead, admire and savor the miracle that is my body. Maybe if you've been feeling angry at your body, you could try it too.


Britney said...

Amen Kristy! How can I be angry at my body for looking the way it does when it's my fault for choosing to eat the wrong things. Be good to your body and it will be good to you, right? Once I was complaining about my stretch marks, darkened leg veins, non-perky chest etc. and my sister said "Hey, you're body has given birth to 5 kids and those are your war wounds so be proud of them! They are proof of the service you've given for others!" Interesting perspective huh?

wenderful said...

What a great message Kristy! I shall try that. It's easier when it's nice and sunny and I can get out and exercise. Where is spring?!

How is school going for the kids?

Angela said...

You go girl- exactly what I needed to hear- post vacation I am feeling like a whale! So this was a great read tonight!